Thursday, November 19, 2009

ESRI MapIt updates

In few last days ESRI has released several developers updates. Two of these updates are for MapIt product. The first one is release of version 1.1.


MapIt 1.1

Key new features are:

  • Two new components for SharePoint
  • Design time support in Expression Blend 3
  • New Silverlight application templates
  • Support for Microsoft Windows and SQL Azure
  • The Spatial Data Assistant supports working with SQL Azure databases; using custom ArcGIS Server locators for address matching; and viewing a subset of table data when selecting match fields.
  • The Spatial Data Service supports deployment into Windows Azure; use of GeoFields, which are fields that contain latitude and longitude values outside of the spatial geometry column type; and multiple spatial columns in a single table or view.  
  • The ArcGIS API for Microsoft Silverlight/WPF supports Silverlight 3, integrates with the Expression Blend 3 design experience, includes a set of pre-packaged Silverlight templates, and supports the use of the Expression Blend Behaviors API.  
  • ESRI Parts for Microsoft SharePoint includes an enhanced configuration experience for the Map Web Part and two new components, a Geolist Web Part and Location Map data type.  The Geolist displays interactive attributes for SharePoint lists rendered in a Map Web Part.  The Location Map data type provides an interactive map to define locations in a list item.

More information is available on MapIt resource centre.

ESRI Parts for SharePoint 1.1

As part of MapIt 1.1 new web parts for SharePoint Services and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 are released. This is great news considering that SharePoint is becoming one of major technology pillars for Microsoft.

Main new features include:

  • example, you can map Microsoft Office forms and document libraries, use a custom ArcGIS Server base map or locator, and configure clustering symbology or render point data as heatmaps.
  • A new ESRI Geolist Web Part provides an interactive and multi-functional tabular view of SharePoint lists that have been added to an associated Map Web Part.
  • A new ESRI Location Map Field allows you to add a field to a SharePoint list that shows the location of each item in the list on an interactive map.  You can modify the address match properties, view the coordinates of match location, and interactively adjust the location.
  • Use the configuration utility included with the download to specify Bing Maps credentials and make it the default for entire site collections, web applications, or SharePoint farms; configure shared properties using administrative SharePoint lists created by the ESRI Parts; and upgrade from version 1.0 (ESRI Map Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint) to 1.1.
  • but this is not all. For complete list of features check this list. There is a new resource centre for SharePoint.


    Another release related to these technologies is update for Silverlight/WPF. Current version is 1.1 and this several new updates with most important about required version of Silverlight. Now, version 3 is required.

    Other features of API 1.1:

  • Product packaged as a setup executable
  • Design time support in Microsoft Expression Blend 3
  • Silverlight application templates
  • New library ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Behaviors.dll adds support for interactive behaviors and actions
  • New FeatureDataGrid and MapProgressBar controls in the Toolkit
  • Enabled Bing Maps components to work with a local edition of Bing Maps services.
  • Map images generated by ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer are returned as mime data. ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer uses the export operation to generate an image from a map service instead of exportImage, which returns a url and requires an additional request to retrieve the image.
  • ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer supports map image output in PNG8 and PNG32 format.
  • ArcGISImageServiceLayer supports map image output in PNG8 format.
  • Mouse wheel events supported in full screen mode.
  • Enabled the ability to change FlareClusterer properties programatically at runtime.
  • Added ability to delay hiding map tips on graphics layer. Use the attached property MapTipHideDelay on a GraphicsLayer or FeatureLayer to define a delay time span.
  • A Bing logo is now visible when Bing layers are displayed in a map.
  • Spatial reference used by Bing layers and components was changed to use WKID 102100. WKIDs 102113 and 3857 are considered equal to 102100.
  • Complete list is available here.

    If you would like to see some samples here is a screenshot of georeferenced video.


    For more interactive samples go here.

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