Thursday, July 31, 2008

ArcGIS Server Online services to include Microsoft's Virtual Earth

In latest press release ESRI stated that Virtual Earth will be accessible from ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Server. Here is what can be expected:

The ArcGIS Online Virtual Earth map services will include high-resolution street maps, imagery, and hybrid maps. Street map coverage is available for more than 60 countries and regions including North America, Europe, South America, the Asia Pacific region, and Northern Africa. Aerial and satellite imagery includes worldwide coverage, but varies by region. ESRI integrates with other Microsoft products that may be part of a user’s Virtual Earth solution to incorporate internal and third-party data—making information more discoverable, more visual, and better to take action upon.


This are examples of the maps you will be able to use as road view, aerials and labels.





(Skytower is visible in the centre of the map. Just follow the very long shadow to find it.)


When will this be available? At later date, through a service pack. So, keep an eye on ESRI's support page for new service pack.

To test drive it head over here.

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